Saturday, November 24, 2012

It's been 3 months................

It's been almost 3 months since I moved to Kolkata. 

Kolkata - the City of Joy, or so I heard. So far it's been all 'chaap', 'chaap' and more 'chaap'. I thought that getting into a job would solve all my problems, financial or otherwise. On the contrary it appears that they've escalated. I never ever had to worry about managing money, visiting the laundry, standing in a queue for gas cylinders and shit. God, since when did I become so responsible?

My workplace (or should I call it my classroom?) is literally a place where condescension rules - atleast I feel so. Most of the CS-IT guys know about technologies I haven't heard of ; and my friends previously regarded me as some sort of a tech-guru. Everyday I head for office with some worry or another - presentation, diagnostics, cross-faculty viva or some shit I dont know about yet. On a positive note, my ILP days are almost over and unless I get into LAAP (or what is it called?), I should be okay.

People say that workplace is the last place to make friends. Well, I know 52 working days are not enough to judge someone, but I made some new friends. Especially when someone is as unsocial (not anti-social) as me, it's not easy. I cant open up to people or initiate some random conversation. No number of BizSkill classes can help me with this.

Rest of it, thankfully, is fine. The place where I live is no Palm Springs, but I'm kinda beginning to like it there. I never wanted to live in Salt Lake, mostly because I'm a city guy. So Salt Lake (no offense to my friends who are living there) is not to my liking. Jadavpur-Santoshpur is better in that respect. Before I came here, I thought I'd be exploring Kolkata a little bit everyday. It hasn't happened yet. Well, plenty of time to explore Kolkata when I'm sitting on the infamous 'bench' .. Lol :-)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My life as it stands now

I'm not even sure if anyone reads the shit I type. So what am I still doing here? Good question. Well, it's been a long time between posts and just thought I might as well do something constructive. So here it is...

First of all, I've been away 'coz I didn't have a f**king topic to blabber about. Even now I don't. But, you know...

In my last post I told you'll that I was having negative vibes about being selected for TCS. Well, I got through, along with most of the guys from my college. That somehow doesn't say much about our individual achievements though!

Next up, I made an utter fool of myself by announcing to all and sundry that I'll go for an MBA instead of joining TCS. But as usual, fate played a dirty trick and next thing you know, I'm 'trolled'. I wouldn't go as far as to say that the B-School was shitty, but it wouldn't have suited me. The same goes for the food served at the hostel mess.

Love life? Well, there's nothing to talk about. What I've discovered is that I'm too complicated, and no sane woman could/would/should stick with me. I'm selfish, sexist, and too damn self-centered. If I could maybe 'take my ego out of the equation', something would have happened. So far, it's all downhill.

So here I am, sitting around on my lazy ass all day at home, watching TV, FaceBook-ing, basically wasting time. I just hope 10th September would arrive soon........