Saturday, November 24, 2012

It's been 3 months................

It's been almost 3 months since I moved to Kolkata. 

Kolkata - the City of Joy, or so I heard. So far it's been all 'chaap', 'chaap' and more 'chaap'. I thought that getting into a job would solve all my problems, financial or otherwise. On the contrary it appears that they've escalated. I never ever had to worry about managing money, visiting the laundry, standing in a queue for gas cylinders and shit. God, since when did I become so responsible?

My workplace (or should I call it my classroom?) is literally a place where condescension rules - atleast I feel so. Most of the CS-IT guys know about technologies I haven't heard of ; and my friends previously regarded me as some sort of a tech-guru. Everyday I head for office with some worry or another - presentation, diagnostics, cross-faculty viva or some shit I dont know about yet. On a positive note, my ILP days are almost over and unless I get into LAAP (or what is it called?), I should be okay.

People say that workplace is the last place to make friends. Well, I know 52 working days are not enough to judge someone, but I made some new friends. Especially when someone is as unsocial (not anti-social) as me, it's not easy. I cant open up to people or initiate some random conversation. No number of BizSkill classes can help me with this.

Rest of it, thankfully, is fine. The place where I live is no Palm Springs, but I'm kinda beginning to like it there. I never wanted to live in Salt Lake, mostly because I'm a city guy. So Salt Lake (no offense to my friends who are living there) is not to my liking. Jadavpur-Santoshpur is better in that respect. Before I came here, I thought I'd be exploring Kolkata a little bit everyday. It hasn't happened yet. Well, plenty of time to explore Kolkata when I'm sitting on the infamous 'bench' .. Lol :-)